Please, Select Language,to your country. Repair audio Electonic/mechanic-hobby, cooking, nice Sake,Photo & trip alone. 趣味の電子工作・機械工作・料理・B級料理・旨い酒・写真・一人旅・大工仕事、 なんかいっぱいありすぎて困ってます。アイデアの宝庫かな
レビン水漏れ・・・・・!Levin water leakage .....
ついこの前、ふと助手席を見たらぬれている・・・?? ふに落ちないが様子を見ているとさらにぬれ方が激しくなってきて
Levin water leakage .....!
With this before, ... that wet if you suddenly saw the front passenger seat? ? It fell not, but becoming vigorous further wet way when looking at the situation is non-
Now where it is, and I thought color place had red color, And something or smell
While it is definitely coolant. . . . From where
The engine room that also subjected without
Come to think of it, this is realized that it is the timing that is multiplied by the cold, morning heater
I wonder if maybe from the heater core following the leak. . . ?
But there is no conclusive evidence.
While you are also somewhat, it is around the left tire of the car park is wet curiously on the way home.
Why do not you look at from the bottom to lift the car, it seems quite out of the drain of the air conditioner of Ebopareta, part of the garden is in the room. . . . .
This can do nothing but try to decomposition. Components may be Ategae this because there are things that were removed from the Trueno.
To start the work by removing it because it is very If this does not remove the bonnet Upon work
It will access from the portion of the front passenger seat. Order is Eakon'eboba → heater core & Column
To remove and it can not be removed not to decompose a substantial portion.
When I had to do to car shop in Trueno before, but took a significant amount of money, it is convinced if this work
I! Inside that you removed is soaked in the firm coolant! This is. . . . .
Left of the photo on the left is, column right Eakon'eboba that contains the healer core
Decomposition at is the 1st work.
Since the left in the photo below is better column right Trueno is debt in the Levin and send the air core one of Rebin, I felt something or as air is out,
The core sampling (makes it easy to exit) the leakage is being immersed in the core was confirmed by foam. Sure enough! From Levin of the core, great bubbles .....
Is a decision.
Future column. . • The Eboba to those of Trueno I do re-covered -
Re-covering before it looks like. It is quite give away. It was able to relatively smooth, since the position of the screw has been found in the dismantling of Trueno,
But, dismantling and repair I tried to only be the difference.
To repair the premise that it is returned to the original
Then, it is confirmed that there are no leaks over the heater over the engine at the time of performing the re-covering of the core
Install the Eakon'eboba, this time of work, end
It was two days of work.
左の写真の左が、ヒーラーコアの入っているコラム 右がエアコンエボバ
下の左の写真の左がトレノのコラム 右がレビンコアの片方をふさいでエアーを送るとレビンのコアのほうが、なにやらエアーが出ているように感じましたので、
決定です。 ついでにエボバも交換します。
Levin water leakage .....!
With this before, ... that wet if you suddenly saw the front passenger seat? ? It fell not, but becoming vigorous further wet way when looking at the situation is non-
Now where it is, and I thought color place had red color, And something or smell
While it is definitely coolant. . . . From where
The engine room that also subjected without
Come to think of it, this is realized that it is the timing that is multiplied by the cold, morning heater
I wonder if maybe from the heater core following the leak. . . ?
But there is no conclusive evidence.
While you are also somewhat, it is around the left tire of the car park is wet curiously on the way home.
Why do not you look at from the bottom to lift the car, it seems quite out of the drain of the air conditioner of Ebopareta, part of the garden is in the room. . . . .
This can do nothing but try to decomposition. Components may be Ategae this because there are things that were removed from the Trueno.
To start the work by removing it because it is very If this does not remove the bonnet Upon work
It will access from the portion of the front passenger seat. Order is Eakon'eboba → heater core & Column
To remove and it can not be removed not to decompose a substantial portion.
When I had to do to car shop in Trueno before, but took a significant amount of money, it is convinced if this work
I! Inside that you removed is soaked in the firm coolant! This is. . . . .
Left of the photo on the left is, column right Eakon'eboba that contains the healer core
Decomposition at is the 1st work.
Since the left in the photo below is better column right Trueno is debt in the Levin and send the air core one of Rebin, I felt something or as air is out,
The core sampling (makes it easy to exit) the leakage is being immersed in the core was confirmed by foam. Sure enough! From Levin of the core, great bubbles .....
Is a decision.
Future column. . • The Eboba to those of Trueno I do re-covered -
Re-covering before it looks like. It is quite give away. It was able to relatively smooth, since the position of the screw has been found in the dismantling of Trueno,
But, dismantling and repair I tried to only be the difference.
To repair the premise that it is returned to the original
Then, it is confirmed that there are no leaks over the heater over the engine at the time of performing the re-covering of the core
Install the Eakon'eboba, this time of work, end
It was two days of work.
投稿 (Atom)
デッコラ 日替わり定食
今日は、野菜炒め定食 味は少し甘みを感じますが、このくらいならok これで840円
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