価格は、400円程度。。以前高級カップ麺にはまった時があり、これよりはレベルが高い。でもラーメン食いには、少し物足りない、地鶏ラーメンでみそ味のようですが、辛そうな見た目ですが思いのほか辛くなく! 価格を考えれば上出来ですが。。。。。。
2007年にUSオレゴン グレシャムに滞在したとき、そのとき、シアトルまで出かけ、松坂xイチローのカードを見に行ったことがありました。そのとき、腹ごしらえで入った寿司バーのトイレで。。。。。!!びっくりのものがあり、写真を撮りましたがもうどこかに!そのとき大きいほうの。。はと思ったのですが、いかついお兄さんがいっぱいでしたので。。。。断念!
横道にそれてしまいました!グレシャムで滞在したホテルのわきに日本食レストランがあったのですが、ここにもラーメンがあったのですね! たべて・・・・これチャルメラの面に節系だしのしょうゆ味!でもラーメンでした、アメリカ人はこんなのが好みか!?
Freezing of ramen was taken up in the Tv.
And Toko tried looking here and there in the supermarket in the mood, that of the table mark, there was no, there was a different brand. Because it looks together, producing the original, the same transient!
It is chicken ramen of Kinrei. Look! Tv is the same as. Since the ingredients were limited topped with green onions Well, total evaluation price is about 400 yen. . There are times when you previously addicted to luxury cup noodles, the level is higher than this. But the ramen-eating, a little unsatisfactory, but is like a miso flavored with chicken ramen, is a spicy likely to look but without spicy unexpectedly! But it is damn good considering the price. . . . . . Miso ramen (miso in Aizu, vegetables plenty of the end surface system), so vegetables are XXXXXXXXXXXXX. If topping separately from fried vegetables, but be close to any of the Aizu. . . . . . It is still! Soup, there is a little thickened so entangled in noodles, but I feel there is something missing something. Garlic be good Once in and kick ass as Aizu of ice and canteen! ? It is not rated for the time being. In addition, I think that also taste preferred by the foreign presence, perhaps, multiply the celery powder to this taste, I think that evaluation is better. Cup New dollars ate in Hawaii, was a celery flavor. In addition, when you stay in the US Oregon Gresham in 2007, at that time, went to Seattle, Matsuzaka x Ichiro had been to look at the card. At that time, it entered by the sushi bar of toilet Haragoshirae. . . . . ! ! Those of surprised there is, but took a picture again somewhere! At that time the larger. . Although I thought, since the rugged brother was full. . . . Abandoned! I have it on the side street! How can there is a Japanese restaurant on the side of staying the hotel in Gresham, it there was a ramen here too! Soy sauce taste of section-based soup to the surface of the ... this suona eat! But it was ramen, Americans this the Do favorite! ? There was that I thought Nante. It was just the second half of the derailment.
Please, Select Language,to your country. Repair audio Electonic/mechanic-hobby, cooking, nice Sake,Photo & trip alone. 趣味の電子工作・機械工作・料理・B級料理・旨い酒・写真・一人旅・大工仕事、 なんかいっぱいありすぎて困ってます。アイデアの宝庫かな
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デッコラ 日替わり定食
今日は、野菜炒め定食 味は少し甘みを感じますが、このくらいならok これで840円
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