
鮎川ネギ味噌ラーメン Ayukawa green onion miso ramen



Will be going to suddenly Hisanohama at work (Iwaki), because it is likely time to become per Miwa at noon, we thought the day in Ayukawa. But I was worried about what is open because we heard the story of the transfer from before, but since there was a sign in the business and happen to pass by, I entered.
Before, in the relocation of Ayukawa, had heard that put the salt, soy sauce noodles Curry to the main. Miso can not provide because the suppliers of the other Niigata miso is not available in out of business. . . .
oh dear! It had been decided in the mind think that enjoyed eating.

oh dear! It is always of miso, but when sip the soup, ate while I think that prove to be enjoyed eating feel the sweetness of the rich flavor of Nagano of miso Niigata (white miso system).

I suddenly think if Ayukawa of miso is a little darker. It How can I say!

DECCOLA  2度めです この前唐揚げ定食がうまそうだったので

 注文しました、900円です。 今回もサラダバーの写真を撮り忘れましたが、次は必ず 鳥の竜田揚げ系の唐揚げです、味は控えめで、レモンを絞ると丁度いい。 混んでもなく雰囲気もなかなか! これでこの値段ですから 次は、比較的生姜焼きを頼む人が多いようなので、生姜焼き定食を頼もうかと思...