
鮎川の塩ラーメンとほかの塩ラーメンの違いは。。 The difference of salt ramen and other salt ramen of Ayukawa is. .



Daiichi of salt is also very good, but what when compared with Ayukawa was consider whether the difference.
Many of the salty taste of the large one other is the smell of celery system is as a base for flavor, is an instant is a good example.
I ate in the United States before, cup noodles of soy sauce taste even celery was tight.

Ayukawa is salt in straight soup without it! I think this a do. It is delicious of the secret! To take the flavor of stir-fried vegetables, celery is a hindrance! .

DECCOLA  2度めです この前唐揚げ定食がうまそうだったので

 注文しました、900円です。 今回もサラダバーの写真を撮り忘れましたが、次は必ず 鳥の竜田揚げ系の唐揚げです、味は控えめで、レモンを絞ると丁度いい。 混んでもなく雰囲気もなかなか! これでこの値段ですから 次は、比較的生姜焼きを頼む人が多いようなので、生姜焼き定食を頼もうかと思...